Wednesday, Dec 21, 2022

This is H1 that Spans Multiple Lines

This page is a test of various blog elements. Nothing important to be found here. But, it lives anyhow.

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artificial intelligence
Sunday, Mar 14, 2021

Data-driven Behavior Change


ChatGPT, AlphaFold, AlphaGo, the list of recent developments in Machine Learning and AI are endless. Still, AI solutions are causing bigger ripples in existing industries as existing norms and relevant human roles and relationships between humans and machines are re-imagined.

This paper explores this context around machine learning and the effects it is having in other industries.

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Sunday, Mar 14, 2021

Data-driven Behavior Change


ChatGPT, AlphaFold, AlphaGo, the list of recent developments in Machine Learning and AI are endless. Still, AI solutions are causing bigger ripples in existing industries as existing norms and relevant human roles and relationships between humans and machines are re-imagined.

This paper explores this context around machine learning and the effects it is having in other industries.

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Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

The New Space Race


With developments in technology and the realization of the harsh reality that human life might someday need to relocate from a dying earth, space exploration is becoming an increasingly important endeavor for humanity.

This paper explores the history of space exploration, current trends, and future possibilities.

Collaborative publication with Dev Kapadia, Audrey Herrald, Anahita Kodali, Kristal Wong, Isaiah Menning, and Sam Neff.
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Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

Technology in the Developing World


Technology is one of the primary drivers of accelerated development in developing nations. This paper explores the role of technology in the developing world, looking at the possibilities and challenges, and addressing how the technology disparity between developing and developed nations arose in the first place.

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space exploration
Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

The New Space Race


With developments in technology and the realization of the harsh reality that human life might someday need to relocate from a dying earth, space exploration is becoming an increasingly important endeavor for humanity.

This paper explores the history of space exploration, current trends, and future possibilities.

Collaborative publication with Dev Kapadia, Audrey Herrald, Anahita Kodali, Kristal Wong, Isaiah Menning, and Sam Neff.
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Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

Technology in the Developing World


Technology is one of the primary drivers of accelerated development in developing nations. This paper explores the role of technology in the developing world, looking at the possibilities and challenges, and addressing how the technology disparity between developing and developed nations arose in the first place.

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Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020

Let’s Talk about Optics


You look like a girl.

That was my mom’s reaction when she first saw me with dreadlocks. She wasn’t just amused, she was bewildered. A fair share of the day was spent stealing glances at my hair, perhaps trying to make sense of this new predicament that had befallen her son, and definitely contemplating dragging me to grandma’s house and giving me a clean haircut. When my aunt arrived the next day, it was obvious that my mom had called her. She was never authoritarian like my father, so we were going to try diplomacy.

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Monday, Apr 17, 2017

The Fate of the Furious


In the year 2013 the world was shocked by the tragic death of actor Paul Walker, myself included. I remember it vividly, like it was yesterday. It is strange that with events like those, you still remember what you were doing at the time. I had just finished eating breakfast and put on the television to check the news, and then I read it: Paul Walker killed in car accident. I literally screamed out loud at the television screen. I was shocked and devastated that such a young and promising actor was killed in such a way. The filming of part 7 of the franchise he was so well known for, the Fast and the Furious, was already well under way.

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Tuesday, Apr 12, 2016

Polyamorous Triad — the End??


There’s something about Star Wars: The Force Awakens that feels both delightful and urgent, as if it were a both a joy to create and a story that must be told at this particular moment in history. People who lined up to see the film when it released last December—and then immediately bought tickets to see it again—are now buying the DVD or Blu-Ray or streaming version so they can watch The Force Awakens for the fifth (or tenth) time at home. They’re also creating fanart, writing their own narratives, and celebrating the idea that the Hero’s Journey has been opened up to a new group of heroes.

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